Congress Challenges EU Over Anti-Jones Act Influence Campaign

By VOICES Staff. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Bipartisan Congressional leaders are demanding answers from the European Union over its involvement in a lobbying campaign to weaken the Jones Act, a key U.S. maritime law that supports American shipping, shipbuilding, and national security.  In a letter sent to EU Ambassador Jovita Neliupšienė, the House Committee on Transportation […]

BALZANO: Why New Hampshire Needs the Jones Act

There has been a lot of discussion in New Hampshire lately about the effectiveness of a pro-American law that has been providing national and economic security for the United States for many years. I want to provide some stakeholder’s perspective and perhaps add some context as to how this issue relates to New Hampshire. The Jones […]

TOTE Announces $90,000 Scholarship Program for Massachusetts Maritime Academy Students

By Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The three-year commitment to support 18 scholarships is an investment in the future of Puerto Rico’s maritime industry. SAN JUAN, PR, BUZZARDS BAY, MA, ISSUED FEBRUARY 28, 2025…The Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s (MMA) state-of-the-art training vessel Patriot State made its first port of call on its inaugural Sea Term in San Juan on January […]

The Jones Act: Protecting Hawaii’s Economy from False Promises

By VOICES Staff Hawaii Congressman Ed Case is once again trying to weaken the Jones Act with a set of bills that claim to lower costs for Hawaii families. The real winners of Case’s bills wouldn’t be Hawaii’s families. Foreign shipping companies and countries like China, which already dominate global maritime trade, would take advantage. […]

El Coqui Crew Rescues 4

By Jordan Biscardo, Seafarers International Union. Four recreational sailors are safe, thanks in large part to the efforts of Seafarers International Union (SIU) members. According to the U.S. Coast Guard report, the sailboat Mariposa had struck a submerged rock in the shoal area of the Silver Bank waters, north of the Dominican Republic. As the […]

Potomac River Plane Crash: Jones Act Dredging Fleets Mobilized

By the Dredging Contractors of America. Private sector Jones Act dredging, marine construction and tug/barge operators are all hands-on deck for recovery, evidence collection and debris removal from the crash site on the Potomac River near Washington, D.C.’s Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. William Doyle, CEO of the Dredging Contractors of America said, “Our hearts […]

Training ship Patriot State introduces Puerto Rican students to maritime careers

Eduardo Pagán, general manager of Tote Maritime, speaks about opportunities in the maritime industry.

By Maria Miranda. Patriot State, a training ship that is part of the U.S. Maritime Administration’s National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) program, will host more than 100 Puerto Rican high school students on Saturday for an orientation about maritime careers and educational opportunities. Staff from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) will guide students on programs […]

Feds, State Close in on Building New Island in the Chesapeake Bay

Water laps fragments of James Island in the Chesapeake Bay in September 2020. Dave Harp / The Bay Journal

By Jeremy Cox, The Bay Journal. James Island is gone. Long live James Island. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Maryland Port Administration are finalizing their proposal to resurrect an island that has vanished beneath the waves of the Chesapeake Bay. If all goes according to plan, James Island will convert more than 2,000 […]

Cato Now Directing Efforts Of FARA Lobbyist Paid By EU To Thwart Jones Act

By John D. McCown I’ve written many articles over the years on Cato’s relentless lobbying campaign against the Jones Act. The time I’ve spent following its activities has resulted in views on both Cato’s role and it’s primary goal. With that, the identification of the parties likely funding their multiyear campaign became apparent to me and my […]

Protecting American Waterways

By Julio Rivera. Donald Trump’s re-election is more than a political outcome. It’s a signal that national security from the southern border to shorelines will once again be given top priority. And with that, one of the most critical pieces of legislation to domestic security, the Jones Act, which is also a long-standing protector of America, […]