Congress Challenges EU Over Anti-Jones Act Influence Campaign

By VOICES Staff. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Bipartisan Congressional leaders are demanding answers from the European Union over its involvement in a lobbying campaign to weaken the Jones Act, a key U.S. maritime law that supports American shipping, shipbuilding, and national security.  In a letter sent to EU Ambassador Jovita Neliupšienė, the House Committee on Transportation […]

Potomac River Plane Crash: Jones Act Dredging Fleets Mobilized

By the Dredging Contractors of America. Private sector Jones Act dredging, marine construction and tug/barge operators are all hands-on deck for recovery, evidence collection and debris removal from the crash site on the Potomac River near Washington, D.C.’s Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. William Doyle, CEO of the Dredging Contractors of America said, “Our hearts […]

Feds, State Close in on Building New Island in the Chesapeake Bay

Water laps fragments of James Island in the Chesapeake Bay in September 2020. Dave Harp / The Bay Journal

By Jeremy Cox, The Bay Journal. James Island is gone. Long live James Island. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Maryland Port Administration are finalizing their proposal to resurrect an island that has vanished beneath the waves of the Chesapeake Bay. If all goes according to plan, James Island will convert more than 2,000 […]

Highly competitive U.S. dredging companies save tax payers $707 Million FY 2023

The DB Avalon is a hybrid-powered dredge vessel designed and built by Curtin Maritime to be the highest capacity, with the lowest carbon footprint clamshell dredge of its class

By Dredging Contractors of America. As the U.S. Jones Act private sector dredging industry continues with its $3 Billion construction of new dredges and associated vessels and equipment, the Dredging Contractors of America is pleased to announce the results FY 2023 dredging season as reported in the U.S. Dredging Report:  An Analysis of the FY23 U.S. […]

New Report Shows American Dredging is Competitive and Growing

The Lorraine Hooks, owned and operated by Mike Hooks, LLC is one of the newest additions to the U.S. dredging fleet, enabling increased competition for new projects. Credit: Mike Hooks, LLC

By VOICES Staff   The U.S. dredging industry is ‘fiercely competitive’ and growing according to The Mike Hooks Report, detailing the latest trends in the U.S. federal dredging market. Every year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers partners with American Maritime to identify and dredge projects across the country along the nation’s inland waterways, coastal […]