Training ship Patriot State introduces Puerto Rican students to maritime careers

By Maria Miranda. Patriot State, a training ship that is part of the U.S. Maritime Administration’s National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) program, will host more than 100 Puerto Rican high school students on Saturday for an orientation about maritime careers and educational opportunities. Staff from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) will guide students on programs […]
Crowley Announces California State University Maritime Academy Recipients of Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarship

By Crowley. California State University Maritime Academy (Cal Maritime) deck cadets Jake Jacobsen and Jan Johnson have been awarded Crowley’s Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships. The scholarship recognizes the cadets’ success and their dedication to a career in the maritime industry. Jacobsen, entering his final year at Cal Maritime, is studying marine engineering technology […]
Historic Robinson Bay Tugboat Transferred to Great Lakes Maritime Academy

By the U.S. Department of Transportation. Massena, N.Y. – Today, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS) proudly completed the formal transfer of the Robinson Bay tugboat to the Great Lakes Maritime Academy during a ceremony at Snell Lock. This celebrated vessel, originally built in 1958, will now serve as a training platform for the Academy’s […]
From Classroom to Shipyard: USMMA Midshipmen Gain Hands-On Experience at Detyens

By VOICES Staff. At Detyens Shipyards in North Charleston, South Carolina, the future of America’s maritime industry is being built one midshipman at a time. Through a unique partnership with the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Detyens Shipyards hosts up to 20 midshipmen each year as part of the academy’s Marine Engineering and Shipyard Management […]
Father And Son Together On Summer Sea Term

By Taylor Bounds. This summer, James P. (Jim) Gompper, Texas A&M Maritime Academy commandant, and James H. (Jim) Gompper ’21, Texas A&M University at Galveston former student and summer sea term deck watch officer, are sailing together on TS Kennedy as part of the academy’s annual summer sea term. The pair are father and son, each […]