From Classroom to Shipyard: USMMA Midshipmen Gain Hands-On Experience at Detyens

By VOICES Staff.  At Detyens Shipyards in North Charleston, South Carolina, the future of America’s maritime industry is being built one midshipman at a time. Through a unique partnership with the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Detyens Shipyards hosts up to 20 midshipmen each year as part of the academy’s Marine Engineering and Shipyard Management […]

Dominion ups investments in offshore wind energy as industry surges forward

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Dr. Steve Feldgus, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Elizabeth Klein and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Deputy Director Paul Huang recently toured Dominion Energy’s Charybdis at the Seatrium AmFELS shipyard. (Photo: BOEM)

By Morgan Sweeney. (The Center Square) — As President Joe Biden’s presidential term comes to a close, the administration is bearing down on its goal of 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy and 15 gigawatts of floating offshore wind by 2035. As of 2021, the administration had approved two commercial-scale offshore wind projects, and seven have […]

Father And Son Together On Summer Sea Term

By Taylor Bounds. This summer, James P. (Jim) Gompper, Texas A&M Maritime Academy commandant, and James H. (Jim) Gompper ’21, Texas A&M University at Galveston former student and summer sea term deck watch officer, are sailing together on TS Kennedy as part of the academy’s annual summer sea term. The pair are father and son, each […]

Giants of Skilled Trades: Shawn Jenkins, Philly Shipyard

By Kacey Bowen, BlueForge Alliance. Shawn Jenkins is a dedicated Technical Instructor at the Philly Shipyard Training Academy, playing a pivotal role in training and supporting the upcoming generation of shipbuilders. His mission is to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary not only to excel in their roles, but to advance the industry as a […]

Shipbuilders Council of America Announces 2024 Annual Safety Awards

By Shipbuilders Council of America. Winning Shipyards Received Award for Excellence in Safety, Award for Improvement in Safety, and Award for Significant Safety Achievement WASHINGTON – The Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA), the national association representing the U.S. shipbuilding, maintenance and repair industry, today announced its annual member safety awards for the 2023 calendar year. […]

Merchant Marine Academies Graduate Nearly 1,500 Officers

By VOICES Staff.  This June saw nearly 1,500 graduates from the seven U.S. maritime academies of 2024 join the workforce. These men and women are poised to join a 650,000-strong workforce that has proved itself critical to America’s national, homeland and economic security. The graduates come from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, N.Y.), […]

AWO Releases New Video Highlighting American Maritime’s Commitment to Safety

By American Waterways Operators. ARLINGTON, Va., March 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The American Waterways Operators has produced a new video highlighting the tugboat, towboat and barge industry’s commitment to safety and its strong record as the safest mode of freight transportation. The two-minute video, The Tugboat, Towboat and Barge Industry: Delivering Safety on America’s Waterways, explains that […]

American-Built and American-Repaired Lakers

Caption: The M/V Mark W. Barker, the newest addition to the U.S.-flagged Laker fleet, can carry an impressive 26,000 gross tons (Photo Credit: Interlake Steamship Company)

By VOICES Staff.   In a significant boost to local economies, U.S. shipping companies are set to inject over $120 million into shipyards and repair facilities across the Great Lakes states. This substantial investment not only ensures the maintenance of the nation’s vital maritime infrastructure but also underscores the enduring importance of the Jones Act […]

Protecting American Ports

By Jay Smilyk, VP of Americas, NanoLock Security Recent incidents underscore the reality of cyber risks facing the maritime industry. An attack in January 2023 successfully deployed ransomware against a major ship software supplier, affecting around 1,000 vessels. Det norske Veritas (DNV), a Norwegian maritime giant, stated that it was targeted with ransomware, forcing them to shut […]

Crowley Announces United States Merchant Marine Academy Recipients of Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Crowley Announces United States Merchant Marine Academy Recipients of Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarship

By Crowley. (JACKSONVILLE, Fla.; Feb. 1, 2024) ­– United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) deck cadets Ellary Boyd and Kaleb Cunningham and engine cadets Aidan Brown and Aidan Ciesluk have been awarded Crowley’s Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships. The scholarship recognizes the cadets’ success and dedication to a career in the maritime industry. The four recipients demonstrated Crowley’s values of drive, integrity […]